Over-the-air programming (OTA) provides a methodology to update device firmware remotely via TCP/IP network connection. OTA only supports firmware1 and firmware2, OTA does not support updating Key Certificate, Bootloader and ISP_IQ data.
OTA Operation Flow for NOR Flash
Fig. 1 OTA Process Flow for NOR Flash
The first 8 bytes of firmware image would be a label. During the step of “Write received data to update firmware address”, the 8 bytes label need set to 0xffffffffffffffff. That means the label is invalid. The backup label needs to be written back at the end of OTA process to prevent device booting from incomplete firmware.
OTA Operation Flow for NAND Flash
Fig. 2 OTA Process Flow for NAND Flash
During the step of “Write received data to empty block”, the magic number of this new record in partition table is invalid. The magic number is updated at the end of OTA process to make this record valid.
OTA Checksum Mechanism
The first 8 bytes firmware label for NOR flash OTA process and the magic number of record in partition table for NAND flash OTA process are used to notice the bootloader the overall OTA process is done without any network disconnection or re-boot during the OTA. However, firmware label or magic number cannot guarantee the content of firmware image is correct.
User can design a mechanism to calculate the hash of target OTA firmware for integrity check during the OTA update process. For the default OTA example in SDK, there is USE_CHECKSUM option for this integrity check purpose. During image build, SDK would append 4 bytes checksum at the end of firmware image to become OTA image (ota.bin). When performing OTA routine, right after the firmware is downloaded and programmed into flash, it would read back all the programed data from flash and compare with the checksum value from target firmware if USE_CHECKSUM enabled. In such way, it can ensure the downloaded firmware is transferred completely and correct. For the detail implementation, please refer to OTA example ota_8735b.c in SDK:
#define USE_CHECKSUM 1
Boot Process Flow
Boot loader will select latest firmware based on firmware version and timestamp, and load it.
Fig. 3 Boot Process Flow
Moreover, the default boot process flow can be overwritten by implementing the user_boot_fw_selection() in component\soc\8735b\misc\platform\user_boot.c. The user_boot_fw_selection() should return the index of firmware that will be loaded by bootloader. If the return value is USER_LOAD_FW_FOLLOW_DEFAULT(0), booloader will select FW1 or FW2 based on default boot process flow. If the return value is 1, bootloader will load FW1. If the return value is 2, bootloader will load FW2. To apply user_boot_fw_selection(), it is necessary to re-build bootloader.
#include "fw_img_export.h"
uint8_t user_boot_fw_selection(fw_img_user_export_info_type_t *pfw_img_user_export_info)
uint8_t fw_ld_idx = USER_LOAD_FW_FOLLOW_DEFAULT;
return fw_ld_idx;
Upgraded Partition
In AmebaPro2 OTA update procedure, Firmware 1 and Firmware 2 are swapped to each other.
The Firmware 1/Firmware 2 partition addresses and length are stored in partition records, defined in ‘amebapro2_partitiontable.json’ under ‘project\realtek_amebapro2_v0_example\GCC-RELEASE\mp’. Please adjust it according to your firmware size.
"start_addr" : "0x100000",
"length" : "0x300000",
"type": "PT_FW1",
"valid": true
"start_addr" : "0x400000",
"length" : "0x300000",
"type": "PT_FW2",
"valid": true
For NOR flash, OTA firmware is written to the partition start address in flash, and OTA firmware size is checked with the partition length. For NAND flash, OTA firmware is written to empty blocks distributed in flash, and OTA firmware size is checked with the partition length.
Firmware Image Output
After building project source files in SDK, it would generate firmware as ‘firmware.bin’, and OTA firmware as ‘ota.bin’ which is firmware.bin with 4 bytes checksum appended at the end.
OTA Firmware Swap Behavior
When device executes OTA procedure, it would update another firmware partition, rather than the current running firmware partition. The OTA firmware swap behavior should be looked like as below figure if the updated firmware keeps using newer firmware version and timestamp.
Fig. 4 OTA Firmware SWAP Procedure
Version and Timestamp
AmebaPro2 bootloader boots to Firmware 1 or Firmware 2 based on firmware version and timestamp. Please check the version and timestamp of generated OTA firmware are expected.
At offset 0x2B0 of firmware image, the version is a 32bytes value in little endian order. The version can be configured in ‘amebapro2_firmware_ntz.json’ under ‘project\realtek_amebapro2_v0_example\GCC-RELEASE\mp’.
"vrf_alg": "NA_VRF_CHECK",
{"type":"TYPE_ID", "length":2, "value":"IMG_FWHS_S"},
{"type":"TIMST", "length":8, "value":"auto"},
The version which higher bit is zero presents higher version. For example, the version of ‘FEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF’ is zero in bit 0, version of ‘EFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF’ is zero in bit 4, and version of ‘FFFEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF’ is zero in bit 8. Then, it will be version with bit 8 zero > version with bit 4 zero > version with bit 0 zero. The version definition in “value” is customizable, user could apply its own method by implementing user_boot_fw_selection(). Moreover, the advantage of using “value” field in MANIFEST instead of maintaining a separate record in NOR/NAND flash is that, user does not need to handle bad block management for NAND flash that stores firmware version control information.
At offset 0x2D4 of firmware image, the timestamp is an 8bytes value in little endian order and is the number of seconds since January 1st, 1970 00:00:00 UTC. The timestamp which presents image build time will be automatically generated when image build.
In user_boot_fw_selection() of bootloader, developer could get firmware version and timestamp from the inputted parameter pfw_img_user_export_info of user_boot_fw_selection(). The pfw_img_user_export_info-> fw1_ld_sel_info.version and pfw_img_user_export_info-> fw2_ld_sel_info.version are the raw data of FW1 and FW2 version. The pfw_img_user_export_info-> fw1_ld_sel_info.timestamp and pfw_img_user_export_info-> fw2_ld_sel_info.timestamp are 4-bytes of FW1 and FW2 timestamp. In application firmware, developer could get firmware version and timestamp from hal_sys_get_fw_version_raw() and hal_sys_get_fw_timest().
// hal_sys_ctrl.h
void hal_sys_get_fw_version_raw(const uint8_t ld_img_idx, uint8_t *pver_raw_buf);
uint32_t hal_sys_get_fw_timest(const uint8_t ld_img_idx);
Implement OTA over Wi-Fi
OTA Using Local Download Server Base on Socket
The example shows how device updates image from a local download server. The local download server sends image to device based on network socket.
Make sure both device and PC are connecting to the same local network.
Build OTA Application Image
Enable CONFIG_OTA_UPDATE flag in ‘project\realtek_amebapro2_v0_example\inc\platform_opts.h’ to support ATWO AT command for OTA with local download server.
Download the firmware to AmebaPro2 board to execute OTA.
Setup Local Download Server
Step 1: Build new ota.bin and place it to ‘tools\DownloadServer’ folder.
Step 2: Edit ‘tools\DownloadServer\start.bat’ file for server port and OTA file name
@echo off
DownloadServer 8082 ota.bin
set /p DUMMY=Press Enter to Continue ...
Step 3: Execute ‘tools\DownloadServer\start.bat’.
Fig. 5 Download Server
Execute OTA Procedure
After device connects to AP, enter command: ATWO=IP[PORT]. Please note that the device and your PC need under the same AP. The IP in ATWO command is the IP of your PC.
Fig. 6 ATWO command
After finishing OTA download, device will reboot automatically, and the bootloader will boot to new firmware according to firmware version and timestamp.
OTA Using Local Download Server Based on HTTP
This example shows how device updates image from a local http download server. The local http download server will send the http response which data part is ‘ota.bin’ after receiving the http request.
Make sure both device and PC are connecting to the same local network.
Build OTA Application Image
Set server IP, port, and resource in ota_http example (component\example\ota_http\example_ota_http.c).
#define PORT 8082
#define HOST ""
#define RESOURCE "ota.bin"
Build firmware with ota_http example.
cmake .. -G"Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../toolchain.cmake -DEXAMPLE=ota_http
Download the firmware to AmebaPro2 board to execute OTA.
Setup Local HTTP Download Server
Step 1: Build new ota.bin and place it to ‘tools\DownloadServer(HTTP)’ folder.
Step 2: Edit ‘tools\DownloadServer\start.bat’ file for server port and OTA file name
@echo off
DownloadServer 8082 ota.bin
set /p DUMMY=Press Enter to Continue ...
Step 3: Execute ‘tools\DownloadServer(HTTP)\start.bat’.
Fig. 7 HTTP Download Server
Execute OTA Procedure
Reboot the device and connect to AP, it should execute ota_http example automatically to start the OTA update through HTTP protocol.
After finishing OTA download, device will reboot automatically, and the bootloader will boot to new firmware according to firmware version and timestamp.
Fig. 8 OTA HTTP Example
Verify Signature after OTA
For secure boot enabled devices, ota_verify_flash_signature() and ota_verify_signature() are provided in ota_8735b.c to verify the public key and signature in manifest of signed bootloader or firmware after OTA.
int ota_verify_flash_signature(char *partition_name);
int ota_verify_signature(char *partition_name, uint8_t *manifest);
ota_verify_signature() can be used to verify the public key and signature in a manifest buffer. The manifest for partitions of “BL_PRI”, “FW1” or “FW2” can be inputted. In ota_verify_signature(), the public key in the manifest is verified with the public key hash in Key Certificate in flash, and the signature in the manifest is verified with this verified public key. ota_verify_flash_signature() can be used to verify the public key and signature in the manifest of partitions in flash. ota_verifiy_flash_signature() reads manifest from the partitions in flash by using FWFS API, such pfw_open() and pfw_read(), and uses ota_verify_signature() to verify this manifest. After OTA, ota_verifiy_flash_signature() can be used to verify the updated firmware partition before reboot. Should not switch firmware to the updated firmware if the verification of public key or signature of the updated firmware is failed.