GCC Makefile

Adding files in CMake project

Adding sources and headers

In the section, we will introduce how to add files to AmebaPro2 project, including adding source, header files, creating and linking the library files.

  1. Adding Source files

Open the application.cmake at “project/realtek_amebapro2_v0_example/GCC-RELEASE/application/”.

Add the source code by append to app_sources:

  APPEND app_sources
  1. Adding header files

Open the includepath.cmake at “project/realtek_amebapro2_v0_example/GCC-RELEASE/”.

Add the header files by append to inc_path_re:

  APPEND inc_path_re

Also add directory to be included by include_directories (<path to header folder>).

include_directories (${PATH_TO_YOUR_INCLUDE_DIR})

Adding library files

Method 1

You can place the library under “project/realtek_amebapro2_v0_example/GCC-RELEASE/application/output”.

Assume your library file is libABC.a, you can modify application.cmake like:


Method 2

  1. Declare your library

  1. Setup location of your library by:



  1. Link to your library


Building a library

Create a cmake file for the library

  1. Set up minimum required cmake version and the project name. Here the output library file name will be libtest.a or libtest.so.

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.6)
set(test test)
  1. Append source files to project source list

list(APPEND test_sources
  1. Assign the library type, STATIC means that the library will be built as static-link library (*.a) , while SHARED means that the library will be built as dynamic-link library (*.so).

  ${test} STATIC ${test_sources}
  1. Add the compile flag for the library

list(APPEND test_flags
  1. Add the header files need to be included in the library

target_include_directories(${test} PUBLIC

Turn off the dependency of the library

If users do not want to rebuild their own library each time when modification is not related to their library, users can open the DependInfo.cmake under GCC-RELEASE/build/application/CMakeFiles/<YOUR_LIBRARY.dir> and turn on the CMAKE_DEPENDS_IN_PROJECT_ONLY.

# Consider dependencies only in project.

Creating a new application example

The application example folder of AmebaPro2 needs to have app_example.c and <EXAMPLE_FOLDER.cmake>. The app_example.c is the entry of the example and the cmake file is for project build. Here are the steps for building up a new application example.

  1. Create a folder under “sdk/component/example”, move the source code to the folder and add app_example.c and <EXAMPLE_FOLDER.cmake> in the folder.

  2. Open app_example.c and call to the entries of example under the function app_example

void app_example(void)
  1. Append the source code, header file, compile flag and library needed under the lists in <EXAMPLE_FOLDER.cmake>.

  2. After done the previous steps, users can build up the new example project by:

cmake .. -G"Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../toolchain.cmake -DEXAMPLE=<EXAMPLE_FOLDER>
cmake --build . --target flash

How to use example source code

In this section, we will describe how to use the example source code for AmebaPro2

Application example source

AmebaPro2 application’s example source codes which can be separate into function examples and integrated examples. For function examples, it is typically shows how to use the normal function provided in AmebaPro2 like SD, file, audio, file system, etc. For integrated examples, they provide some integrated application for AmebaPro2 functions, like video and audio streaming and simple doorbell-chime application. Each example subfolder contains only one example, the entry function is app_example(void).

The example entry function is defined as app_example and only one example is exist in the same project.

Function examples

The function examples can be found under folder “sdk/component/example”.

Here are steps to build up the example:

  1. Create example build folder in “project/realtek_amebapro2_v0_example/GCC-RELEASE” and enter it

cd project/realtek_amebapro2_v0_example/GCC-RELEASE
mkdir build_example && cd build_example
  1. Use cmake to create makefile for example. The <EXAMPLE_FOLDER_NAME> can refer to the folders under sdk/component/example.

cmake .. -G"Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../toolchain.cmake -DEXAMPLE=<EXAMPLE_FOLDER_NAME>


If the example folder not exist, the “<EXAMPLE_FOLDER_NAME> Not Found” message will show, please check the example folder name

  1. If example configured successfully, run build command to generate flash image

cmake --build . --target flash


In AmebaPro2 project, when -DEXAMPLE=<EXAMPLE_FOLDER_NAME> is used, the integrated function -DVIDEO_EXAMPLE=on and -DDOORBELL_CHIME=on will be set to off after the needed source imported.

Integrated examples

The function examples can be found under folder “sdk/project/realtek_amebapro2_v0_example/src”.

  • Video examples

    These examples could be found under “sdk/project/realtek_amebapro2_v0_example/src/mmfv2_video_example” and opened by using compiling flag –DVIDEO_EXAMPLE=on. The detail of these examples can refer to Multimedia Framework Architecture.

  • Doorbell and chime example

    The example could be found under “sdk/project/realtek_amebapro2_v0_example/src/doorbell-chime”, which provide users to construct a simple doorbell system which could push video and audio and get audio streaming though the Skynet. This example can be opened through -DDOORBELL_CHIME=on.


In AmebaPro2 project, the flag of integrated could not be used in the same time.

MMF example source

In sdk/component/example/media_framework, it provides audio-only MMF examples. The examples are based on the Multimedia Framework Architecture and the detail can refer to Multimedia Framework Architecture.

Peripheral example source

The peripheral example sources are located at the folder sdk/project/realtek_amebapro2_v0_example/example_sources and basically provide main.c and readme file. The main.c file contains the usage of peripheral function and user should replace it with the original main.c (in sdk/project/realtek_amebapro2_v0_example/src). On the other hand, like application example source, the method to compile example and adjust the important parameters is described in the readme file. After the setting, user can rebuild the project with peripheral example.

WiFi example source

For user to test and development, we provide AT command in AmebaPro2. Users can key in AT command to connect WLAN by the console in PC. AT command could be found under “sdk/component/at_cmd/atcmd_wifi.h”.