Building Environment

Setting up GCC Building Environment

Building the project in GCC Building Environment (Windows)

Installing mingw with ASDK and setting up the CMake

  1. Download and extract msys64_v10_3.7z from tools folder

  2. Check the windows Environment Variable HOME by Command Prompt

echo %HOME%


If %HOME% is not exist, the command will simply print %HOME%

  1. If your windows already have Environment Variable named HOME, open the file “msys64/etc/post-install/”


# If the home directory doesn't exist, create it.
if [ ! -d "${HOME}" ]; then
  if mkdir -p "${HOME}"; then
     echo "Copying skeleton files."


By default <USER_FOLDER> is ${USER}. To prevent some errors, do not include space characters in <USER_FOLDER>

  1. Double click “msys2_shell.cmd” from mysys64 folder

  2. After setting up mingw, you need to install cmake. Download cmake in and install it

  3. Add location of cmake.exe to PATH of msys2_shell by using vim ~/.bashrc and appending path of cmake.exe to environment variable PATH or using editor to directly append the path to file “msys64/home/<USER_FOLDER>/.bashrc”

export PATH=/c/Program\ Files/CMake/bin:$PATH


If your PATH contains space characters, remember to use “\” to escape


For the first time adding the CMake PATH, after adding the PATH, you need to re-open the msys2_shell and check the version by:

$ cmake --version
cmake version 3.20.0-rc1

CMake suite maintained and supported by Kitware (

Adding toolchain to msys2

  1. Like adding PATH for cmake, user can add or change the toolchain in “msys64/home/<USER_FOLDER>/.bashrc”.

  2. Add toolchain PATH by “export PATH=<path to toolchain>:$PATH”.

if [ -d "../../asdk-10.3.0" ]; then
    echo "asdk-10.3.0 exist"
    export PATH=/asdk-10.3.0/mingw32/newlib/bin:$PATH


Recommand to use the latest provided toolchain or use the version after 10.3.0

Building the project

  1. Open mingw by double clicking “msys2_shell.cmd”.

  2. Enter the project location: project/realtek_amebapro2_v0_example/GCC-RELEASE.

  3. Create folder “build” and enter “build” folder.

  4. Run “cmake .. -G”Unix Makefiles” -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../toolchain.cmake” to create the makefile.

  5. Run “cmake –build . –target flash” to build and generate flash binary.


If building the project successfully, you can see flash_ntz.bin in the ‘build’ folder

Building the project in GCC Building Environment (LINUX)

Add toolchain to the linux PATH

  1. Extract the toolchain file (the toolchain file may provide in tools folder):

  1. Add toolchain to PATH:

export PATH=<PATH_TO_YOUR_TOOLCHAIN>/asdk-10.3.0/linux/newlib/bin:$PATH


You can add PATH to ~/.bash_profile

Installing cmake for linux

  1. Install cmake using terminal (like “sudo apt-get -y install cmake”), if the installation is successful, you can get the version by “cmake –version”.

Building the project

  1. Open linux terminal and enter the project location: project/realtek_amebapro2_v0_example/GCC-RELEASE/.

  2. Create folder “build” and enter “build” folder.

  3. Run “cmake .. -G”Unix Makefiles” -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../toolchain.cmake” to create the makefile.

  4. Run “cmake –build . –target flash” to build and generate flash binary.


  • If building the project successfully, you can see flash_ntz.bin in the ‘build’ folder

  • If the ‘build’ folder has been used by others, you can remove ‘build’ folder first to have clean build

  • If there’s some permission issues, you can do “chmod -R 777 <PATH_TO_YOUR_SDK>”

Log UART Settings

  1. To use AmebaPro2 log UART, the user needs to connect jumpers to J21 for FT232 (CON8).

  2. After using CON8 to connect to PC, you can use console tools (like tera term, MoBaxterm) to get log from EVB by setting baud rate as 115200.
