Using JTAG/SWD to debug

JTAG/SWD is a universal standard for chip internal test. The external JTAG interface has four mandatory pins, TCK, TMS, TDI and TDO, and an optional reset, nTRST, JTAG-DP and SW-DP also require a separate power-on reset: nPOTRST. The external SWD interface requires two pins: bidirectional SWDIO signal and a clock, SWCLK, which can be input or output from the device.

SWD connection

AmebaPro2 supports J-Link debugger. We need to connect the SWD connector to J-Link debugger. The SWD connection is shown as below. After finished these configurations, please connect it to PC side. Note that if you are using Virtual Machine as your platform, please make sure the USB connection setting between VM host and client is correct so that the VM client can detect the device.



  • EVB 1V0 module needs to HW rework, ask FAE for details


Software installation

To be able to use J-Link debugger, user needs install J-Link GDB server first. For Windows, please check and download “J-Link Software and Documentation Pack” (

Setup environment

To check whether the connection works fine, user can go to the location of SEGGER J-Link tool and run “JLinkGDBServer.exe”. Choose target device Cortex-M33 (for AmebaPro2), and target interface SWD. Click “OK”


If connection succeeds, J-Link GDB server must show as below:


If connection fails, J-Link GDB will show:
